Window decoration is usually a pretty simple task. You choose whether you’re going for a more formal or casual look, select the window treatments you’ll use and then place them up around your home. However, if you have mismatched windows (whether that was a purposeful choice or not), it might feel like an impossible task to choose the right décor for them. This could include windows that are different shapes, different sizes or installed at different heights. Ultimately, the biggest thing you need to accomplish when working with different types of windows is figuring out which types of window treatments... View Article
At one point, aluminum was perhaps the most common material used in siding for homes across the United States. But when the energy crisis of the 1970s hit and the price of raw aluminum soared while new material alternatives hit the market, aluminum siding began to take a backseat to vinyl and other materials. However, there are still plenty of people who actively seek out aluminum siding, as it still does have its benefits and is offered by most siding contractors. Here are some of the pros and cons of aluminum siding you’ll want to consider when analyzing your various... View Article
Looking for a new storm door for your home? There are a whole lot of choices you’ll find on the market, but how exactly do you know which one is the right fit for your needs? You’ll want to look for a storm door that has the right combination of glass and screen, taking into account the functions that are most important for you. Here are just a few of the considerations you’ll want to factor into your decision making process when selecting a storm door in Dodge City, KS: Glass: The more glass the storm door has, the more... View Article
If you’re planning on replacing your home’s windows in Dodge City, KS, it’s advisable to do so in advance of the summer season. Replacing your windows prior to the onset of summer can help you save energy during the year’s hottest months, and increase your personal comfort level and your enjoyment of your home. Before replacing your windows, however, you should obtain a thorough understanding of the different types of glass commonly used in residential windows. Your home’s location, along with your lifestyle and your personal preferences, will ultimately determine the type of glass best suited for you. Working with... View Article
Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer. While many take the long weekend as an excuse to go out of town or break out their tents for the first campout of the year, it’s also a great time of year to catch up on all of the home improvement projects you’ve been putting off for warmer weather. There’s no better time than the present to touch up your space and ensure that it’s safe and good-looking for the busy summer season. There are a number of projects you may want to consider performing during the Memorial Day holiday... View Article